I have to admit the first time I saw this movie back in 1999, I hated it!! It was like...we waited over 20 years for this?! Why did I hate it so much? One word...JAR JAR BINKS!! I know I am not alone in this...the entire universe hated Jar Jar Binks. I remember sitting in the theatre thinking...What the hell is this?!!
Well watching this movie now, almost 10 years since the theater release: and the 2 even lousier sequels... I realized JAR JAR BINKS was the BEST part of the movie!
Looking like Jimmy Walker ( J.J from the 70's "Good Times" TV show and saying stuff like -
"Mesaday starten pitty okeyday witda brisky morin muchen, Den BOOM! Bery scared ...and grabbin dat Jedi and POW...Mesa here!"
How could you not love this character?! He just cracks me up!!
Then there's Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor as the 2 Jedi Knights...with their running around: they remind me so much of the old Adam West and Burt Ward Batman and Robin routine...
And how about that creature from the Trade federation?..the Viceroy of whatever? What's with the Bela Lugosi accent?!
Love this movie not only for Jar Jar, but also the lousy acting by Jake Llyod as the ten yr old Anakin Skywalker...(his lousy acting was continued by the grown up Anakin (Hayden Christensen) perhaps it was under Lucas' direction for them to act like they were 2nd graders in a school play. Can you picture Darth Vader running around crying "YIPEEE!" every time the Empire conquers another planet> ...also love it for Queen Padmé Amidala; dressing up like Bjok and obviously took acting lessons from VICKI of the sitcom "Small Wonder".
I love this movie!! It's Geroge Lucas' "Plan 9"!
Personally, I have never seen this flick but with all this palaver about Jar Jar Blinks, perhaps a more apt title would be Jar Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Now, how about some verbal intercourse about some celluloid treats that cats and chicks have actually heard of like, say, "The Beat Generation". One of the things I dig about this flick is that the Dialogue Coach was none other than that festerhead, Jackie Coogan. It certainly explained why every one in the movie sounded faintly like Daffy Duck.
Cool, no?
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