Yes "Gone With The Wind" IS THE most magnificent picture ever!
It's a piece of history, great perfomances, wonder soundtrack, perfect scenery...it's the FUNNIEST movie I've ever seen!
What can be better than phrases like "Fiddle Dee Dee!"?
Of course the best lines of the movie came from Mammy " Miss Scarlett you know you ain't sup'ose to show your busom before three!" or ... " I don't want you to be hang'n around them white trash.....""You know what trouble I's talkin' 'bout. Mr. Ashley be comin' to Atlanta when he get's his leave, and you sattin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider".... "you dont care what folks says about dis family I does! I is told ya and told ya that you can always tell a lady by the way she eats in front of folks like a bird and I ain't aimin' for you to go to Mr. John Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! "
What gentlemen says and what they thinks is 2 diffrent things, and I ain't noticed Mr. Ashley askin' for to marry you!"
Olivia DeHaviland is wonderful playing the goody-2-shoes Melanie Hamilton...she's so nice she got exactly what she deserves!
But tell me something...what the heck is so great about Ashley Wilkes that Scarlett went through all that for him?
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