Long before the days of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, the indea of an enemy invasion into the United States was just another action fantasy. However once this movie came along, it really was a wake up call to America, to see it could happen to anybody! This action flick stars Chuck Norris, as Matt Hunter, even his name sounds so MANLY!
This invasion was led by Mikhail Rostov played by Richard Lynch, yes this was back when the enemies were Russians with names like Boris and Nikko and Rostov. These terrorists came in by boat in the middle of the night by the shores of Florida, all carrying loads of weapons and foreign accents.
This axis of evil has selected the most American of all American holidays to attack; Christmas time! This band of terrorists travel around the suburbs driving a jeep, stalking the unsuspecting American families while their little kids decorate the Christmas trees in their front yards. Moments later mom calls everyon in for a turkey dinner, the evil men pulls up the drive way, pull out the bazooka and blast the happy home to a blazing inferno! Going down the entire block blowing up one house after another.
Our hero Chuck won't stand for it! He fights back with a vengence and not without humor, Chuck does a speed chase over the city and wrecks hundreds of cars on the way to return a ticking bomb to a terrorist in his car. Then this one man army takes on the most dangerous of battle grounds; a shopping mall in Christmas time!
Not since Jackie Chan in "Police Story 1" had I seen such a fun shopping mall fight scene. Good O' Chuck Norris drives a speeding jeep into Sears with both arms loaded with machine guns and shoots his way from one end of the mall to the other. Showcases of holiday decorations are blown to bits, mannequins topple and fall apart, crazed Christmas shoppers not only have to fight for their Cabbage Patch Dolls but they also have to run for their lives!
This movie has one of the most macho endings movies of all time since Rhett Butler tells Scarlet O'Hara to go to H*ll, this flick ends with Chuck blasting bullets non-stop at Rostov with both barrels! Take that Bin Laden!
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