GASLIGHT- I think every husband in the world should watch this movie. What could be more fun than trying to drive your wife crazy? Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer and Joseph Cotton star in this classic thriller about a young woman who was a witness to the brutal murder of her famous aunt, later returning to live in that haunted home with her mysterious new husband.
Again this movie is filled with wonderful performances and beautiful sets. It's hard to believe that Ingrid Bergman is only 19 years old in this, she turned in such a graceful and classy performance. While Charles Boyer is so evil that you just can't wait to see him gets it in the end.
But what really enticing about this movie is the subtle things that Boyer tried to do to make his wife thinks she's going out of her mind, things like repeatedly hiding her belongings making her think she lost them. Going out at night and making noise upstairs that no one can confirm it because the only other person in the house with her was their old maid with bad hearing!
Joseph Cotton is also very heroic in the film as the dashing young detective coming to t he rescue, plus Angela Lansbury is fun to watch as the flirty hussy maid Nancy. The flirting between both Boyer and Lansbury is fun to watch too considering the time period of this story, with lines like:
Gregory Anton: And whom are you going to the music hall with?
Nancy Oliver: A gentleman friend, sir.
Gregory Anton: Oh, now you know, Nancy, don't you, that gentlemen friends are sometimes inclined to take liberties with young ladies.
Nancy Oliver: Oh no, sir, not with me. I can take care of myself - when I want to.
Gregory Anton: You know, Nancy, it strikes me that you're not at all the kind of girl that your mistress should have for a housemaid.
Nancy Oliver: No, sir? She's not the only one in the house - is she?
But it's Ingrid Bergman's screams and madness that makes this comedy mystery a must see!


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