This movie is hilarious! I know this movie is suppose to be based on a comic book, still I find nothing believable in this flick! Starting with all the computer backgrounds, monsters and computer enhanced body parts, I find it totally impossible to have any kind of connection with anything on the screen.
Gerard Butler plays King Leonidas, I hear they smeared his body with charcoal to make him look even more muscular. King Leonidas is an arrogant bully who screamed his way all through the movie. I left the movie theater with a sore throat, from all the yelling..everything is "FOR SPARRRTAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
Then there is King Xerxes, the evil evil evil transgender monster who wants to take over Sparta. When you see this character you don't know whether to laugh or cry...he is a combination of Dennis Rodman and Pinhead from Hellraiser. Compare to Xerxes, Tammy Faye Baker has the natural look!
This movie is one long video game, you just go from one violent battle to the next. The biggest problem I have with these CGI movies is that everything looked so perfect, a little too perfect, so perfect that it looks fake, you know what I mean? I sense no danger to anything the characters were going through and there are even moments when I have to ask myself is that a real actor or some computer generated image.
300 is one of those movies that is more fun if you watch it with a group of friends and you each take turns shouting sarcastic remarks at the screen! With so much yelling going on in this movie, they just might yell back at you!
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