This suspenseful comedy is about 2 teenage girls out to have a good time on a typical suburban Friday night. It's the 1960's, parents often go out to the country club for cocktail parties, leaving their teenage daughters to baby sit the youngest little rugrat. Once mom and dad are out drinking their martinis, the girls go wild by making prank phone calls. Oh the good old days of no caller ID and every one's phone number is listed in the phone book.
Joan Crawford had about 15 minutes of screen time in this William Castle classic, but what wonderful 15 minutes! She plays Amy Nelson, Amy is in love with Steve Marak her next door neighbor, played by John Ireland. For a long time Amy knows Steve has a miserable wife name Judith, when Steve finally lets Judith have it; he made a such racket and left a mess in the shower...it's no wonder nosey neighbor Amy discovers what he did.
Amy decides to blackmail Steve into marrying her, well what can Steve do? In the mist of all this chaos, Steve gets a prank phone call from the 2 teenage girls. After a couple of calls one of the girls develops a crush on the man on the other line.
This movie teaches a good lesson about making prank phone calls and talking to strangers, it is good for young children to watch this at home alone, when mom and dad are out getting drunk, it will put them back in their best behavior.
Sharyl Locke plays little Tess Mannering, a spunky 6 year old who gets tossed around, chased by a killer and a butcher knife is thrown at her, still she manages to escape outwitting the killer. Which is more than I can say about the 2 older girls.
As usual the best scene belong to Joan Crawford when she catches the little tramp peeping into her lover's living room from the back yard, she looked amazing! Wearing a chandelier as a necklace and her orange colored wig, Joan grabs the little hussy by the hair and throws her to the car screaming "GET OUTTA HERE!!" a masterpiece!!
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