Wednesday, September 26, 2007



The last of Roger Moore's role as James Bond. A lot of people hated his reign as the king of super spies, I don't hold such a critical opinion of the Moore series, but I have to say that "A view to a kill" was a terrible way to finish off his term.

Even though I loved the Duran Duran theme song and Grace Jones was perfect as a Bond villan , but everything else was just a flop, I think from the moment May Day (Jones) parachuted off from the Eiffel Tower the movie just go down hill from there...the worst part was the long chase scene with the 60 year old Bond climbing around a fire engine going up and down the slopes of downtown San Francisco.

Tanya Roberts the former Charlie's Angel plays Stacey Sutton, one of the dullest of Bond girls I've ever seen, well until I saw Vesper Lynd of "Casino Royale". There's another character in the movie with the name of Jenny Flex, I think she would've been a much better choice for the leading girl.

A good thing is that Moore's age really shows in this film, everyone can tell he's really tired of playing Bond and looking forward to his retirement. One of the worst joke in this movie was when the SFPD try to arrest Bond for disturbing the peace, Bond tells the officer "I'm Bond, James Bond..."
the cop says: "Yeah? And I'm Dick Tracey!"
That's like one of those moments on TV when the character know they are a TV show and start to address the audience...that totally destroys its made up universe! It's just plain wrong!

But I have to say that Grace Jones was the best part of this movie, and the character Pan Ho played by a middle aged pseudo Asian actress Papillon Soo Soo is also good for the end I can't decide whether I hated "A view to a kill" as much as I hated "The world is not enough " with Pierce Brosnan and Denice Richards...or the Bronsan's finale as Bond in the stinker "Die another day"...


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