Wow what can I say about this one...PURE LAUGHING ENJOYMENT! People running for their lives...birds attacking a whole town....a farmer get his eyes pecked out....a love triangle and an overly possessive mother...all the elements to a wonderful Hitchcock classic!
What I like best about this movie is that it starts out so innocently with Melanie Daniels played by Tippi Hedren, spoiled rich girl out to get her man Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor). Brenner who is over 40 years old lives with his mother and 11 year old sister in a small town way out in the bay near San Francisco.
But Melaine's plan comes to halt when the town she visits is under attack by birds! Birds of all sizes and species everywhere! Killing children, old people and turn the whole town of Bodega Bay upside down! In the end nothing is resolved!
I love this movie not only for the terror but there are so many unanswered questions, like why did the birds attack? What's the mystery behind Mitch's and his ex-girlfriend Annie's relationship? Why is Mitch's mother acting so cold and strange? Why is there such a huge age difference between Mitch and his younger sister? What will become of Melaine and Mitch? And what is that long annoying nursery rhyme the kids kept singing at the school? What is the mystery behind those love birds Melaine brought from San Francisco? Are they responsible for the attack? Who's that crazy old lady at the diner who is so into ornithology? What happened to that hysterical woman who kept screaming at Melaine, blaming her for the attack: "YOU'RE EVIL EVIL!"?
A wonderful classic horror, thriller, love story and comedy not to miss! I've watched this over a hundred times and I still love every minute of it...Come on sing along with me....Risselty-rossilty, now now now....
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