Is one of those "Independent films" that follow the path of "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Ghost World"'s just about some off beat characters living their dull suburban lives. Eventhough there are some funny moments and jokes in this film, however there are a couple of quite disturbing things that involve children that I am not quite sure how to take it.
A six year boy and his brother while visiting a chat room has started a make believe romance with a grown woman, leaving comments like: "I poop inside you and you poop back in me and we go back and forth...forever" To a 6 yr old it's kind of funny but knowing they are children chatting with a grown up online in an adult chat room really bring out how sick the world is today.
But on the lighter side of things the writer and director of this film, Miranda July plays Christine Jesperson, a lousy performance artist trying to get her show at a local art gallery. Christine has to beg the crazy curator of the gallery to view her portfolio. Meanwhile the curator herself is occupied with figuring out whether or not the current "Garbage Art exhibit" at her gallery really contain her coffee mug as part of the display or if it's really something created by the artist as he claimed it is.
There's also a humorous infatuation Christine has on a shoe salesman and the silly antics she uses to attract his attention. The shoe salesmen is played by John Hawkes, who is also the single father of the 2 chat room boys, the younger brother is a 6 yr old who enjoys pooping outside in the garden at 6 a.m in the morning while no one is around.
I don't know what to make about this movie as a whole but if you watch the DVD, feel free to fast forward to some of the more funny scenes...There's one that involves the school principal and a 14 year old demonstrating how to escape if one of the students happen to walk in the classroom with a bomb, using a can of orange pop as a prop.
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