This hilarious Oscar winner from 1950 really deserved all the awards and recognition. Eve (Anne Baxter) is one evil b*tch, worst than original Eve from the garden of Eden. Eve is out to get the even more evil Margo Channing (Bette Davis), first by impersonating to be her biggest fan, then her flunky and then she weasel her way to getting Margo's friends, job and most of all her man!
Thelma Ritter plays "Birdie" Margo's maid , she's wonder, just like her character Stella in "Rear Window". Her bickering with the mean Davis is priceless with lines like:
Margo Channing: You bought the new girdles a size smaller, I can feel it.
Birdie: Something maybe grew a size larger.
Then the over acting like Bill Sampson's (Gary Merrill) soliloquy about the theater is so bad it's wonderful, you can even picture him practicing for hours in front of a mirror for that corny over dramatic delivery. George Sanders as the entertainment columnist Addision Dewitt was perfect! He totally fit the mold as the "New York/high society/ gossiping/heavy drinking/gay/greedy/ manipulative/ in love with himself/ son of a b*tch", you see hanging around cocktail parties stabbing everyone's back.
Everything Eve does is so corny that only an idiot would not see through her, I love the comment Birdie makes about the sob story Eve tells about her past in the beginning of the film: " What a story! Everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end. " And at the end of the movie Eve does get her rear snapped by some bloodhounds!
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