Poor Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) talk about bad luck, no matter where he ends up, all the people in his life get brutally murdered for no good you can't really blame the guy for going around cities getting his revenage.
The "Death Wish attititude" come to mind everytime someone cuts me off on the highway...
I have to say watching it for the first time it really scared the heck out of me....this movie paints a horrorible picture of the inner city, rapists and ciminals run free, causing violent chaos it's scary enough for anyone to lock up their doors and stay inside for the rest of their lives.
Yes there is no humor in the graphic violent scene in this series, but the way you see punks run amok on the streets you can't help but giggle. Especailly in "Death Wish 2" you see a young Lawrence Fishbourne (before he gained 100 pounds and became Morpheous in the Matrix) and his gang of evil doers dressed in over the top 80's gear and running around free in downtown L.A. Hookers on every street corner, not one cop in sight, women and groped and harrassed on a crowded bus, while other gang members sprays graffitti all over and no one is doing a thing about it; until Paul (Bronson) picks up his gun and starts to clean up the neighborhood.
A great sense of joy and relief come into mind when you see Bronson shoots and attacks without blinking. Watching those punks getting what they deserve can bring a smile on anyone's face. Bronson does such a good job it makes it look easy, I bet every man who saw theese movies want to go out and buy a gun and walk into the nearest crime scene and starts shooting.
Aside from the fights and guns, the corny music and Jill Ireland's accent these movies give you such a feeling that you are watching an extremely violent Mentos commercial. Jill looks and sounds like she her voice was dubbed for some reason, and the rest of the cast were all dressed in such a humorous way, they almost resemble the old hench men on the Batman TV show with their names like Thug and Lefty written on their shirts.
These movies are made for the man's a man, lots of machoness going on here and a lot of belly laughs too...
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