AMERIKA - 1987

AMERIKA - Another ABC TV event kind of a follow up to "The Day After", as the "Red Scare" of the '80's continue (just 2 years before the end of the cold war).
This time the all star cast with Krist Kristopherson, Sam Neil and Merial Hemmingway and Rober Urich. The story takes place 10 years after the Soviets took of America in the year 1996. The first thing they did was to remove to C in America and replace it with a K. It seems like it was all that they did because the mini-series cover the life a group of white trash living in poverty, which may not be far from reality by the time 1996 came around "The Jerry Springer Show" was so popular that we are following the lives of these rebellious derelicts.
All I can sum up about this project was couple of quotes from TV-Guide Magazine:
"Arguably the most boring miniseries in a dekade"
"ABC's Amerika tried to hold America hostage for seven tedious nights (and a stupefyingly dull 14½ hours) by conjuring up a fuzzy vision of a Soviet occupation of the U.S."
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