I knew I was going to love this movie, but I had no idea how ridiculous this movie is! We all wished we can become invisible, the only thing is that I don't like the idea to have to be naked in order to become invisible, there ought to be a way to make the clothes become transparent with you as well.
I always liked the bandaged head and cool goggles look, there's something really mysterious and almost menacing about that look, makes everyone curious about what's underneath the full body wrap.
I like how nasty the invisible man is to everyone, especially to Mrs. Jenny Hall the inn owner played by Una O'Connor. Yelling with her heavy Irish accent and sticking her big nose everywhere, I love watching how the invisible man keep freaking her out, each scene ends with her screaming and running in terror. O'Connor was also featured in "The Bride of Frankenstein" basically playing the same character.
Henry Travers (Clarence of "It's a wonderful life" ) plays Dr. Cranely the future father in law of the invisible man, he is also the one responsible for making him invisible. And William Harrigan plays Dr. Arthur Kemp the romantic rival, the two of them were after the doctor's daughter Flora. I think the Kemp character is really annoying and I am glad Mr. Invisible get to torture him in the movie.
I really like this weird interior shot of Dr.Cranely's house. The camera pans across the screen as the actors walk from one room to the next, showing the exposed set walls to the audience, it's hilarious! Rest of the film is the invisible man going nuts! Even underneath the bandages Claude Raines gave a great performance just by the over exaggerated gestures and the funny laughter, playing jokes on everyone in town, it's like watching The Stooges, that's why I enjoy it so much.
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