I love this movie! This documentary centers around a group of regular folks that are obsessed with playing Crossword Puzzles! I do mean obsess! Do you know there is something that is called "The Puzzle Scene"? I never knew that until I saw this..actually this little minority are a pretty charming group, in many ways they remind me of a lot of folks in my life.
Will Shortz the crossword editor of the New York Times narrates and hosts this project, explaining the history of the crossword puzzle and the process of how a puzzle is created. It's a really interest process and I certainly find out a lot of things I never thought about that went into putting a puzzle together. The puzzles are created by a several very creative and intelligent people, that really "have a way with words".
In addition to Will Shortz famous celebrities are featured from talk show host John Stewart to former President Clinton, Senator Bob Dole to film maker Ken Burns. But the real stars of the film are the puzzlers the champions of the National Crossword Championship. Once a year the convention/championship is held in Standford Connecticut, it's the superbowl of the crossword community.
My favorite is Ellen Ripstein the champ of 2001, Ripstein is the perfect nerd-girl, the type that trips over her own shadow or gets her hair caught in the xerox machine. Her obsession with the crossword puzzles probably spoils her love life, as she explained to us how once she dated a guy who made fun of her hobby and she replies with: "Well what are YOU the best at in the country?!"
My least favorite in the movie is the current champion the cocky 20 year old Tyler Hinman, the instant he appears on the screen I knew I was going to hate him. His first words were "Not a lot of people my age enjoys doing crossword puzzles, let along do them as fast as I do..."
He displays the arrogant fratboy attitude throughout the film, not only at the puzzle tournament but even in his personal life as a student at Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute. I was disappointed to see him win the championship and feel even more angry to know that he's been the reigning champion for the past 3 years.
But other than that , the film covers the personal lives and the journey of several contestants, Ellen Ripstein, Trip Taylor a young professional who left New York City to get away from the massive puzzle scene, only to find himself lost in it again living in Florida, Al Sanders the suburban dad and Jon Delfin the very Jewish Broadway pianist and a 7 time champion of the annual Crossword Tournament! and so on...you get to pick your favorite.
"Ripstein is the perfect nerd-girl, the type that trips over her own shadow or gets her hair caught in the xerox machine."
So true! Read the ongoing tale at http://ennienyc.livejournal.com/
I've still not seen this movie, but intend to eventually. In a kind of side note, I when I used to play in chess tournaments, there was a master I'd usually end up getting paired against (my record against him: 21 loses, 1 draw!) named Angelo Sandrin -- turns out he had a brother, Albert who had not only been the USA blind chess champion (and had won the US Open before he lost his sight), but also composed crossword puzzles.
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