In one word: AWFUL! Supergirl comes to Earth in search of the power source that keeps her home Argo City alive. The power source is kept in a little floating orb called the "Omegahedron". While playing around with it in her pajamas Kara (Supergirl) set the orb flying off to Earth by mistake, in order to right her wrong, Kara follow the Omegahedron the Earth the recover it!
The minute she lands on Earth she pops out of the spaceship already dressed in a red cape and big "S". As she does a flying ballet, at the other side of the forest preserve the evil Selena (Faye Dunaway) and her crew of beatniks played by Brenda Vaccaro and Peter Cook, are having a picnic. They were contemplating on what to do on this boring day, when suddenly the orb lands in the middle of their buffet! Selena discovers her new magical power by casting a spell using the orb!
This movie stinks like yesterday's diapers! The stench is stronger than Supergirl herself! Although she looked great in the costume, Slater plays Supergirl with no personality, every time she sees the floating Omegahedron she goes off to this retarded trance; her eyes goes into a blank stare like she's a 2 year old staring at a night light and a teary flow of joy comes over her face.
Faye Dunaway coming off from her "Mommie Dearest" performance, she puts out the same kind of camp as the witch Selena, however Joan Crawford is a much scarier! Seeing Selena together with the Bianca (Vaccaro) is sort of a treat, Dunaway overacts like crazy while Vaccaro has the "Yeah yeah I'm hip I'm hip" kind of henchman persona. The two has sort of a combo Baby Jane and Blanche Hudson mix in with a little bit of Patsy and Edina of "Absolutely Fabulous", only not as funny....
There are a lot of unanswered questions and unexplained sequences in the movie than there are special effects. There is no explanation as to how Kara can just become Supergirl the instant she lands on Earth or why all of a sudden she becomes Linda Lee her Earthly identity just by walking past a couple of tress, and then joina an all girl field hockey team. Other than flying around giving the audience a glimpse of her panties underneath her costume, Supergirl really doesn't do anything interesting or heroic.
As a matter of fact, DC Comics were probably so unimpressed by this movie that the following year they decided to kill off the Supergirl character from the comicbook universe!
The movie ends after Supergirl completed her mission. As she bids farewell to her friends Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane (Lois Lane's sister), she tells them that they will completely forget they've ever met a Supergirl. And to the world this whole incident of her coming to Earth to rescue the Omegahedron never even happened....a wish the audience shared as they leave the theater.
PETER COOK!!!??? From the team of Dudley Moore & Peter Cook?????
THAT Peter Cook?
Mother, pass me the smelling salts.
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