Once I heard someone said "Joe Schumacher should burn in Hell for what he's done with the Batman movies". I totally agree especially "Batman and Robin", the movie starts with the 2 men (Batman and Robin) getting dressed and ready for action. Close of of the masks, the rubber nipples and the fake rear ends and flash across the screen. Then Batman and Robin are out to stop Mr. Freeze in their bright colored plastic ugly rubber suits.
This movie makes the old "Batman" TV show with Adam West an dark action drama! The script is so awful that is a complete insult to anyone watching the movie let a lone die hard "Batman" comic book fans.
George Clooney dawns on the cape and cowl this time, after Val Kilmer's failed performance in the previous movie "Batman Forever". It's hard not to know Batman's secret identity as Bruce Wayne in this film because they both talk in the same tone with the famous George Clooney bobble head.

The villains featured are Poison Ivy, played by Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Mr. Freeze. Everyone turned in an over-the-top performance. There's an awful scene where Batman and Robin pays a visit to a fund raiser as the guests on honor! What is the dark knight doing?!
Alicia Silverstone plays the over weight annoying niece of Alfred Pennyworth (Bruce Wayne's butler), Barbra Wilson. While snooping around the mansion, Barbra discovers the Batcave and just in a matter of seconds, she becomes Batgirl!

Thee only likable part of this film is Uma Thurmans's perform ace as "Poison Ivy". Rest of the cast just go no where.
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