The review of the Historical movie block buster came in a form of several email conversation..
J-My particular movie torture moment would had to have been TITANIC which had to be longer and more painful than the actual event. And that was even including my 25 minute break to have a discussion with the elderly concession woman as to whether Snapple could really becounted as an iced tea or not ...
Jet- Instead of lemonade or Snapple, wouldn't miniature ice bergs like Sno-Cones be apt refreshments for viewing that movie?
A'course, how many can one eat before something goes overboard?
L-You mean you don't find Leonard DiCaprio dreamy???
George has seen Titanic more times than I care to admit, thankfully because he is a total ship history nerd and NOT because of the aforementioned.
F-Back at the height of the whole Titanic-mania, I do vaguely recall seeing some sort of "educational" toy Titanic that would split and sink just like the real thing. I also remember a day trip to Tijuana in the summer of 1998. Amidst the pharmacias and painted burros, the hustlers, the beggar children and the massage parlor girls happily waving from windows above, the one thing that was inescapable was Celine Dion's MY HEART WILL GO ON.
Everywhere you went, you heard it -- from loudspeakers and car stereos, p.a. systems - EVERYWHERE! ( Coincidentally, or maybe not, a sizable part of TITANIC was filmed in nearby Rosarito Beach) The omnipresence of the tune played no small part -- well, that and the heavy afternoon rain -- in cutting our trip short.
I hope at least your Snapple was good
B- My Titanic memories:
The movie openned when I was back from college and working at the Bay Park in Green Bay, Wi for the Christmas holidays. I remember that summer seeing movie posters and popcorn buckets saying: TITANIC: SUMMER. It was SO LATE, but it finally openned the same weekend as Tomorrow Never Dies and made about the same amount 20-30million. The staff previewed the film the night before, just to make sure the reels were all spliced in order and stuff, and I remember after the ship hit the iceberg the reel changed over, and all the actors were upside down and backwards. The reel was spliced wrong but all I could think was "All that money and time and ALL he can think to do is film the actors upside down!"
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