THE MATRIX TRILOGY (The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolution)
Is the biggest disappointment in Sci Fi history equal to the Star Wars Prequels if not worse. Not only it was responsible for inspiring the Columbine Massacre in 1999, it also launched the trend of using highly choreographed kung fu action sequences with actors using wires and computer generated images.
The Matrix considered to be the best of the series, actually put me to sleep. The slow boring scene with Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburn) explaining what the Matrix works better than any sleeping pills I know.
Keanu Reeves acting as Neo ( the hero) is about as lively as a wax figure and Trinity the heroine is probably the most "butch" female character since Xena the Warrior Princess.
None of these characters are likable and they take themselves and their all black outfits so seriously that you can't help but make fun of them. The idea of "The Matrix" is so complex and violent that you just don't car anymore. You have no idea why they are fighting and killing all these people, but then you realize that The Matrix is not even real, so nowhere at any point that the characters are in any kind of danger or reality.
Those who return for the 2 sequels are smart enough to know that they are watching garbage. The Matrix is given us such wonderful things as the Trench Coat Mafia, violent video games, black suits, and oakley sunglasses...not to mention such wonderful dialogs like: "Somethings never change, and somethings do...." whoa how profound...

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