SORRY WRONG NUMBER- Is another wonderful "helpless-crazy-woman-in-danger" movie. This stars Barbara Stanwyck as the evil Leona Stevenson, a rich spoiled and controlling heiress of a pharmaceutical company. Her husband is played by Burt Lancaster, an man she stole from her college roommate, later he was tricked into marrying her.
This really is a good classic thriller from the 1940's. Stanwyck's character Leona is left alone sick in bed one night , while trying to locate her husband on the phone, she accidentally over hears two thugs planning a murder when the lines are crossed! (thank you AT&T) The rest of the movie you'll follow Leona as she tries to find her husband, the killers and the identity of the would-be victim. Through this journey you'll learn more about her past and how manipulative she really is...perhaps she'll might get exactly what she deserves...
My favorite line in the movie is from Burt Lancaster as he shouts into the phone to Stanwyck:
"I want you to do something. I want you to get yourself out of the bed, and get over to the window and scream as loud as you can. Otherwise you only have another three minutes to live!" - Isn't that wonderful?!
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